Overview > Carvalho, Kelly Anne

Figurines from Kelly Anne Carvalho

(For a detailed description and enlarged view click the pictures!)

Box with Yorkie Walking Yorkie Walking Yorkie See, hear and speak no evil
not (yet) in the collection not (yet) in the collection not (yet) in the collection not (yet) in the collection

Box with Yorkie

Walking Yorkie

Walking Yorkie

See, hear and speak no evil

Easter Yorkie :-) Playing Yorkshire Terrier Yorkie as a butterfly Princess Yorkie Hat Box Sculpture
not (yet) in the collection not (yet) in the collection not (yet) in the collection not (yet) in the collection

Easter Yorkie :-)

Playing Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkie as a butterfly

Princess Yorkie Hat Box Sculpture

Yorkie with a pillbox Yorkies on sea? Yorkshire Terrier in a dress Yorkshire Terrier in a wagon
not (yet) in the collection not (yet) in the collection not (yet) in the collection not (yet) in the collection

Yorkie with a pillbox

Yorkies on sea?

Yorkshire Terrier in a dress

Yorkshire Terrier in a wagon

Yorkshire Terrier in a trophy Yorkshire Terrier with toilet paper    
not (yet) in the collection not (yet) in the collection

Yorkshire Terrier in a trophy

Yorkshire Terrier with toilet paper



Overview > Carvalho, Kelly Anne

in the collection  in the collection  ·  not (yet) in the collection  not (yet) in the collection

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